Friday, July 22, 2011

PLEASE READ! Save the Steve Irwin!

I'm asking everyone here to stop, think, and make a donation.  This is the first time I've ever posted something like this on Dead Book Darling...  But yesterday I found out that Sea Shepherd was in serious trouble, so I made a donation of my own.  My decision process went rather like this...

I could spend 15 US dollars and add another hardback to my TBR pile of doom:


Or I could help out an amazing conservation group that is in desperate need of aid and help stop this:

These are images of what is currently going on in the Danish protectorate of the Faroe Islands.  A slaughter of whales that Sea Shepherd is trying to stop!

Sea Shepherd needs your help! The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Their mission? To end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. They are a direct action group, that uses confrontational methods to stop illegal fishing.

Their flagship, the Steve Irwin has been impounded pending a court case in the Shetland Islands.  Sea Shepherd is actually looking forward to the fight in court, as they have evidence against a Maltese company that was illegally fishing blue fin tuna.  Unfortunately, the way the law works in the Shetland Islands means that Sea Shepherd needs to post a bond for the ship else it will be held indefinitely and possibly sold!  This technicality in the law could lead to terrible repercussions not just for Sea Shepherd, but all marine life!

In other words, they need cash and they need it asap! I implore you to make a donation!  I cleared out one of my accounts for the cause, and I urge you to give what you can.

You can find out more about the law suit and the conservation group by clicking here.

Captain Paul Watson's personal message:

Donate away!

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